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Exam Information:
When is the next Exam?
July 1st 3:00p-5:00p (Must RSVP) Text 970-823-0160
August 17th 9:00a-12:00p (Must RSVP) Text 970-823-0160
If you cannot make this date or you arrive at Starbeam after this exam has taken place you may join any Bronze Level Class (With Ballet as an Exception) or you may schedule a purchased exam with a proctor. (or if you prefer a private exam you may also schedule a purchased exam)
Why is there an Exam?
Because we are a level based Studio, not age based, this is to keep dancers safe, first and foremost, and keep advancing levels are fair as possible. This makes classes fair for new students to our studio as well as our veterans, it takes pressure off of Teachers/ Instructors, gives Students something tangible to work towards and not just an open idea. (Keeps them goal minded.)
What Levels Need an Exam?
Bronze Ballet, All Attache Classes, Silver Classes, Gold Classes, and Pointe. (To earn your shoes and keep your shoes)
How does it work?
You may register for the class you wish to attend however, you will need to pass the exam before you will be able to attend any of the classes listed above. If you happen to not pass you will be placed in the class level that your exam placed you in until you can test again (next semester). You will given a sheet from the proctor with the reasons why you did not pass so you know exactly what to work on that semester. If you pass you will be able to participate in that class for the semester.
What will the Exam look like?
You will come to the studio on Exam day, ALREADY WARM, dressed and with all the shoes you need for your exam. The Proctor will take you into the room one at a time and will let you know how the Exam will work then you will exit and wait until it is your time to take the exam. You will be called individually into the dance room and be asked to perform and execute properly 10-20 randomly chosen moves from list (below) for your given level. This is not meant to be scary, these should be moves you are familiar with and should have heard your teacher teach you during the semester at the previous level. This is the curriculum we use at Starbeam Studios, so we understand that those coming from other studios may be at different levels and that is part of the reason why we have these exams. Do Not be discouraged- this curriculum is designed for you to be at these levels for more than one year, so try, find what you need to work on, and practice!
How much does the Exam Cost?
We offer 2 Free Exams a year. The Next one is December 9th 2022 & December 15th 2022 If you cannot make that date or you wish to have a private Exam you may schedule a Private Exam with the Proctor. Call or Text for more details. 970-823-0160
Exam Study Guide:
Below you will find a list of all the steps in our Curriculum for each prior level. These should be the steps that the students should know and have a good grasp on to move to the next level. We will be choosing 10-20 Random Steps for the Exam off of these Lists.
Click on the Class you Wish to Study for your your Steps to be revealed.
Please Note:
You may learn other steps in your classes that are not listed here as dance is an art form and changes thusly but these are the only steps that will be on the exam(s). You also may be taught some moves at various levels from time to time. This is at the teacher and choreographers digression.
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