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We work with Vision Charter

If you are a Vision Charter Student up to One Dance Class & One Musical Theater Class/ Private Lessons 1 time a week for 30 minutes can be paid for. Please do not check out- We bill Vision for You! Just complete the registration form and then contact us to let us know you are a Vision Charter Student! Thanks! 

This is just payment- Not Registration- Please click this button to register for your class as well! 

New Season Keys!!!

How they work:
Each Key allows you to take all the classes offered that season of that type. (i.e. Bronze Key - All Bronze Classes) The Star Key allows you to take all the classes offered at Starbeam during that season. 
What They Cover:
Each Key covers all the classes offered of that type (i.e. Attache Key - All Bronze and Attache Classes), Registration Fees, Audition Fees (if you choose to participate in the audition process), Costumes, Tech Rehearsal, Dress Rehearsal, Production Materials, Performance(s), and 5 Performance Tickets. 
Why Should I Get a Key?:
Because who doesn't like to save money? 
Bronze Regular Price $1,570 - Bronze Key Price $1,200 - SAVES $370 (Over 2 Whole Dance Classes)
Attache Regular Price $2,070 - Attache Key Price $1,700 - SAVES $370 (Over 2 Whole Classes)
Silver Regular Price $1,700 - Silver Key Price $1,200 - SAVES $500 (Almost 4 Whole Classes)
All Classes Regular Price $3,570 - Star Key Price $2,000 - SAVES $1,570 (All the Bronze Classes)

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